IBD Scholarship

2024 AbbVie IBD Scholarship
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada’s AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program supports students in achieving their academic goals while they make a lasting and meaningful difference in their communities. We award $5,000 scholarships to fifteen (15) inspiring students attending a Canadian post-secondary institution for the upcoming fall semester. The program, made possible by an educational grant from AbbVie Canada, helps alleviate financial barriers, enabling students to spend more time on their studies, pursue their passions, and get involved with causes close to their hearts. You can learn more about eligibility and the application requirements below.
Clinton Shard Memorial Scholarship
The Clinton Shard Memorial Scholarship honours the memory and impact of Clinton Shard, a 2012 AbbVie IBD Scholarship recipient who made significant contributions to the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) community. As of 2022, one AbbVie IBD Scholarship recipient will be selected by Clinton’s family as the Clinton Shard Memorial Scholarship recipient in addition to receiving the $5,000 scholarship payment. Read more about Clinton Shard and his legacy.
Application requirements
Applicants of any age are encouraged to apply and must be:
A citizen or permanent resident of Canada
Diagnosed with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis by a health care professional
Seeking a diploma, associate, undergraduate, or graduate degree from a Canadian university, college or trade school
Enrolled in or awaiting acceptance from a Canadian-based post-secondary educational institution for the upcoming fall semester
A student who demonstrates academic aspiration and strives to sustain an optimal level of wellness, allowing them to excel to reach their goals and inspire others to do the same.
The AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program is a competitive process. Application for the program does not guarantee funding for the upcoming educational year. Employees of Crohn’s and Colitis Canada or AbbVie and their immediate family members are not eligible for this scholarship. Past AbbVie IBD Scholarship recipients are not eligible for the scholarship.
Application Process
A completed AbbVie IBD Scholarship online application
A completed and signed Proof of Diagnosis Form from your treating health care professional
A signed and dated Applicant Consent Form
Two (2) letters of personal recommendation from a teacher, guidance counsellor, school official, coach, mentor, health care provider, professional colleague or employer
A one (1) page (500 word max.) essay outlining how you demonstrate your academic aspiration and strive to sustain an optimal level of wellness, allowing you to excel to reach your personal and academic goals and inspiring others to do the same.
Questions to address in your essay:
Why do you strive for academic success?
How do you strive to sustain an optimal level of wellness?
What are our personal and academic goals?
How do you inspire others through community and school involvement?
How would you benefit from the scholarship financially and psychologically?
PLEASE NOTE: We recommend gathering all the necessary information before starting the application form. Please refer to the checklist above to ensure you have the required documents to complete your application. Once you begin the online application process you must complete and submit your application in one sitting, as you will not be able to save your information for a later time. If you exit the form before submitting your application, your work will NOT be saved.
Application Timeline
Applications will open on February 15, 2024. Applications are due on July 4, 2024 at 11:59 pm (local time).
Selection Process
Recipients are selected:
At the sole discretion of an independent selection committee of leading gastroenterologists, community partners and patient representatives from across Canada.
Based on two (2) letters of personal recommendation and a one (1) page essay outlining how a student has strived to sustain a high level of wellness despite their disease and inspire others to do the same. Click here to see a sample of a scoring sheet and criteria definitions that lists the criteria your essay and personal recommendations will be rated on.
In the spring/summer of 2024, recipients will be notified by a phone call and a confirmation letter. Once enrolment is verified for the fall 2024 semester, the scholarship cheque will be transferred/mailed to the student’s post-secondary institution and deposited to their student account. The individual scholarship will cover $5,000 CAN for the recipient’s tuition and/or required educational materials. Eligible educational expenses for the AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program include tuition, student fees, required educational materials, and on-site residency.
Supported by
Special thanks to our supporting organizations: