Volunteer Achievement Awards

As Crohn's and Colitis Canada has changed and developed, so has the volunteer program. There are now more opportunities than ever for volunteers to get involved and see the impact of their time on the IBD community, whether through advocacy, education, fundraising, or quality-of-life programming.

To reflect the range of volunteer roles now available at the organization, we have also refreshed how we recognize the impact of volunteers at Crohn's and Colitis Canada.

The volunteer Achievement Awards are based on our organization's values:

Courageous icon symbolized by fire

Courageous – Be Gutsy Award
The nominee speaks up about IBD issues, takes on challenges, and are willing to try new ideas to make a difference. How does this volunteer embody courage?

Inclusive icon symbolized by many smiley faces

Inclusive - Be Open Award
The nominee is welcoming and respectful of everyone, making sure that all voices are heard and valued in the conversation about IBD and decision-making. How does this volunteer show inclusivity?

Authentic icon symbolized by a hand reaching out with a heart

Authentic – Be Intentional Award
The nominee is honest about their experiences and understands how important their role are in supporting those affected by IBD. How does this volunteer reflect authenticity?

Collaborative icon symbolized by many interlocking hands

Collaborative – Do, Together Award
The nominee should demonstrate the ability to work individually and as part of a team, engage appropriately with staff partners, and know when to ask for help. How does this volunteer exemplify collaboration?

Nominations are now closed—thank you to everyone who submitted!

Past Recipients of the Volunteer Awards

Our volunteer awards, honoring outstanding contributions, now reflect even more ways volunteers make an impact. View past recipients of Crohn's and Colitis Canada's Volunteer Awards here.

Nominate an individual or Group



  • Canada has among the highest incidence rates of Crohn's and colitis in the world.
  • 1 in 140 Canadians lives with Crohn’s or colitis.
  • Families new to Canada are developing these diseases for the first time.
  • Incidence of Crohn’s in Canadian kids under 10 has doubled since 1995.
  • People are most commonly diagnosed before age 30.

Other Areas of Interest