Webinars and updates

Upcoming webinars

COVID-19 and IBD updates

Date: TBA
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm ET

Join us at our next webinar to get the latest updates on COVID-19 and find out what this means for you or your loved ones affected by Crohn's or colitis, and get guidance from the experts on how to stay protected against the virus. This webinar is being offered in English, with live French interpretation.

You will have the opportunity to ask your questions to ahead of time when you register for the webinar and during the live broadcast. Please stay tuned for registration details. 




Dr. Gilaad Kaplan (MD, MPH, FRCPC), Professor of Medicine, Gastroenterologist and Epidemiologist, Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Past Chair of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Council, Crohn's and Colitis Canada | @gilkaplan

Dr. Eric Benchimol (MD, PhD, FRCPC), Professor, Pediatric Gastroenterologist, Department of Paediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and University of Toronto, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, NASPGHAN Canadian Councilor, Chair of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Council, Crohn's and Colitis Canada | @ericbenchimol

How to Register

Please stay tuned!

Past Webinar Videos

COVID-19 and IBD: updates, vaccines and public health mandates

March 10, 2022: Get the latest updates and guidance as provinces across Canada are beginning to open back up and loosen COVID-19 restrictions, including recommendations on how to stay safe and updates on 3rd and 4th doses. 

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COVID-19 updates and vaccines 

January 27, 2022: Get the latest updates and recommendations on COVID-19 and vaccines, including 3rd and 4th doses, how Omicron is different from prior waves, why we see breakthrough infections after vaccines and when will we know when the pandemic is over

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COVID-19 vaccines in children and teens with IBD

November 25, 2021: Get the latest updates and recommendations on COVID-19 vaccines in children and teens that are affected by Crohn's or colitis. 

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COVID-19 booster vaccines, Delta variant, the fourth wave

September 9, 2021: Get recommendations on COVID-19 vaccine boosters, updates on the Delta COVID-19 variant and fourth wave, and learn about the latest research on antibody response post-vaccine. 

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Impact of COVID-19 and inflammatory bowel disease

July 7, 2021: Get highlights from the Crohn's and Colitis Canada's 2021 Impact of COVID-19 and Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Canada report, including the epidemiology of COVID-19 in Canada; risk factors for persons with IBD and medications; the impact of COVID-19 in children, families, seniors, and pregnant people; mental health; vaccines; healthcare services; and future policy implications.

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COVID-19 updates, vaccines, live Q&A

May 27, 2021: Get latest updates on COVID-19 and recommendations for people affected by Crohn's or colitis. Expert gastroenterologists answer commonly asked questions about COVID-19 vaccines and the impact of IBD medications. 

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Vaccine updates and recommendations

April 24, 2021: Get the latest updates and guidance on COVID-19 vaccines including efficacy, safety, risks, and side effects; impact of IBD medications and time delay between vaccine doses on vaccine efficacy and safety; and antibodies and immunity to COVID-19.

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A year in review and vaccine updates 

March 18, 2021: Get the latest updates on the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and recommendations for vaccine use in people living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). 

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COVID-19 updates and hitting the pandemic wall

February 18, 2021: Get the latest updates on COVID-19 vaccines, and strategies to maintain your mental health and wellness during the pandemic.

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New recommendations: COVID-19 vaccine for IBD

January 21, 2021: Get recommendations for the COVID-19 vaccine in people with Crohn's or colitis.

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COVID-19 vaccines and "Home" for the Holidays

December 17, 2020: Learn about COVID-19 vaccines and what it means for people affected by IBD including safety, risks and benefits. A panel of patients and experts in IBD also give tips for you and your family to stay well during the holidays.

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Outcomes of COVID-19 in IBD: the SECURE-IBD registry 

November 19, 2020: Get the latest on the impact of IBD medications and other factors on COVID-19 outcomes, and get the latest updates on COVID-19 vaccines and what it means for IBD patients. 

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Vaccinations and IBD

October 8, 2020: Get guidelines for general vaccine use in IBD, updates on the development of a COVID-19 vaccine and what it means for IBD patients. 

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Updates and returning to school

September 10, 2020: Get updates on cases of COVID-19 in people with IBD and guidance for children and adults returning to school during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Separating COVID-19 myths from the facts 

June 25, 2020: Experts review popular myths and conspiracy theories about COVID-19, and how to debunk these misconceptions and false beliefs. 

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IBD medications and COVID-19 risk

June 18, 2020: Get updates on the safety of using treatments for IBD and how they affect the risk of COVID-19. Medications discussed include 5-ASA's, steroids, immunomodulators, JAK-inhibitors, biologics and biosimilars. 

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IBD clinic of the future

June 11, 2020: Experts discuss how IBD clinics have changed during the pandemic, what they have learned from COVID-19 to improve patient care, and what this means for patients in the future including virtual care, testing and disease monitoring.

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Washroom access and reopening of businesses 

June 4, 2020: Panel experts discuss advocacy, safety, and challenges accessing public washrooms as the businesses begins to reopen.

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Mental health and wellness

May 28, 2020: Get guidance and tips to help you maintain your mental and physical wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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COVID-19 updates and Q&A with IBD nurses

May 21, 2020: Learn from an expert panel of IBD nurses dedicated to ensuring people living with IBD receive high-quality clinical nursing care. They answer the questions they most commonly receive from their patients about COVID-19 and IBD.

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COVID-19 risk factors, reopening of school and the economy

May 14, 2020: Learn about cases of COVID-19 in patients with IBD, your level of risk and what you should do as schools and the economy start reopening across Canada. Experts provide answers to commonly asked questions.

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Families and children with IBD

May 7, 2020: Get the latest recommendations for families and children affected by IBD, and guidance on returning to school and work. This event is in collaboration with North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition

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Telemedicine in the time of the pandemic

April 30, 2020: Learn about telemedicine for IBD management during the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists will discuss how to be prepared for a TeleHealth visit, what to expect, what other virtual medicine options are available, and more.

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Monitoring COVID-19 in IBD patients 

April 23, 2020: Learn about the SECURE-IBD registry which is an international, pediatric and adult database that monitors and report on outcomes of COVID-19 in IBD patients. 

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Modeling COVID-19 to prepare for the future

April 16, 2020: Learn how experts keep track of cases of COVID-19 in Canada, and create models to predict trends and prepare for the future.

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Managing mental health, diet and nutrition in a pandemic

April 9, 2020: Get expert and patient recommendations on mental health, diet and nutrition, and other tips to cope during the pandemic.

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COVID-19 risk factors and live Q&A

April 2, 2020: Learn about your current level of risk, and how to maintain your mental and physical health. Expert panel members answer questions from audience members live.

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Infusion clinics, pregnancy and newborns

March 26, 2020: Get the latest recommendations from experts including clinic visits, medications and treatment, mental health, infusion clinics, pregnancy and birth, infants and children, and more.

COVID-19 and IBD: what you need to know 

March 19, 2020: Get expert recommendations for people affected by Crohn's or colitis. Learn about what COVID-19 is and the impact it has in Canada and globally, medications, strategies to maintain your mental health and wellness, and more. 

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  • Canada has among the highest incidence rates of Crohn's and colitis in the world.
  • 1 in 140 Canadians lives with Crohn’s or colitis.
  • Families new to Canada are developing these diseases for the first time.
  • Incidence of Crohn’s in Canadian kids under 10 has doubled since 1995.
  • People are most commonly diagnosed before age 30.