Diet and nutrition are important to everyone’s overall health, but play an even bigger role for people living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), because diet can potentially change the microbiome and therefore trigger immune responses that cause inflammation. It is important to try and identify foods and drinks that can worsen symptoms of IBD like diarrhea, constipation, fatigue or low energy, abdominal pain, bloating and cramping.

Living with Crohn's or colitis can also increase your risk of becoming malnourished. You and your health care providers may need to use a combination of therapies to manage your nutritional health. This could include supplements and vitamins, enteral nutrition (feeding), or specific diets such as the Low FODMAP, Mediterranean diet, or Crohn's Disease exclusion diet. 

In this section of the Journey, gain an understanding of how IBD and nutrition affect one another, and discover ways to maintain a well-balanced diet to manage flare-ups of Crohn's or colitis. 

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