Contact us in Ontario

The Ontario Region takes in a large collection of towns and cities that are home to a diverse and ever-growing population. Ontario is the home of a strong community of volunteers, donors and sponsors, as well as an innovative team of researchers and healthcare professionals. These people are the heart and soul of our organization, and there are so many exciting ways to get involved! Every volunteer, donor, researcher and sponsor helps us to improve the lives of those affected by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and brings us closer to finding cures.

Development Coordinator, Eastern Ontario

Development Coordinator, Central Ontario
Cindy Weiss

416-920-5035 ext. 239

Development Coordinator, Southwestern Ontario
Shie Gorman


Development Coordinator, Toronto
Kate Zahnow


Development Coordinator, Northern Ontario
Nicole Sage


Both Kaylie and Nicole standing in front of screen with MedTalks slide

Northern MedTalks - Science North

Science North and the Science Communication Program at Laurentian University bring you Northern MedTalks 2024! A fast-paced speakers' event featuring 10, 10-minute talks inspiring audiences ...

Science North Val Cavern 100 Ramsey Lake Rd
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Toronto Office

2110-439 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1Y8

416-920-5035 or 1-800-387-1479

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AbbVie IBD Scholarship recipients empower Canadians living with Crohn's and colitis

AbbVie IBD Scholarship recipients empower Canadians living with Crohn's and colitis

How to find life, disability, and critical illness insurance when living with Crohn's or colitis

How to find life, disability, and critical illness insurance when living with Crohn's or colitis

Research at U of A and UCalgary developing new therapies to curtail steroid use as a part of PACE

Research at U of A and UCalgary developing new therapies to curtail steroid use as a part of PACE

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