Far From Fine

Help Crohn’s and Colitis Canada make the invisible visible by reaching out to your representative today.

Reach out to your provincial representative


If you know about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), you’ll know how invisible diseases like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis can be. While those with Crohn's or colitis may look fine on the outside, on the inside, they might feel anything but. Tell your provincial representative that people living with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis need their support. Reach out today and let them know that those with IBD are #FarFromFine.

Living with a chronic illness is hard enough. Managing the daily challenges of life with IBD all by ourselves can leave us feeling alone and unseen. Help Crohn’s and Colitis Canada make the invisible visible by reaching out to your representative today.

Hearing from advocates like you helps our elected officials understand just how challenging life can be for those living with IBD. Even for those lucky enough to have achieved remission, IBD impacts nearly every aspect of daily life. We need new therapies to reduce flares and achieve remission, improved access to washrooms and support to manage the out-of-pocket costs of life with Crohn's and colitis.

Reaching out to your provincial representative, by email, by phone or better yet in-person, can help them see what life is like for hundreds of constituents in their riding who live with these invisible illnesses. Securing the support of elected officials is a critical step that paves the way for important policy changes aimed at improving lives.






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