Feelings: Yours And Your Partner’s

Your physical and emotional feelings are important, but it’s critical to remember they aren’t the only reality. You may begin to feel unattractive, especially if you have experienced a lot of pain, fatigue or several trips to the bathroom due to your Crohn’s or colitis today.

However, your partner’s desire to be with you may not be impacted by the things you experience as unattractive. Don’t discount his or her desires or need to be intimate with you. Their emotions and desires are important as well, and deserve recognition just as your own do. 

By respecting each other’s feelings and experiences, you build rapport and trust while creating a nonjudgmental relationship that encourages communication and honesty. Physically, you may feel you cannot do a specific act, but emotionally, you may be able to be intimate in a way that meets many of your partner’s needs.

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