Social Engagement and Relationships

Take part in activities

Do what you enjoy whenever possible (like listening to music or drawing) to decrease your stress response and encourage your creative side. On the other hand, don’t overcommit yourself to the point of exhaustion. Leave room for relaxation.

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Connect with others

Depression and stress may lead to social withdrawal, but it’s important to surround yourself with loved ones who understand your needs. Be open about your disease so family and friends can accept your illness too, and learn how to support you.

Find support groups and connect with others who understand what you are going through. It may be tempting to isolate yourself when you have a chronic disease, but staying connected is integral to a good quality of life.

Also keep in mind that you can share as much or as little as you like with others. Privacy is your choice. You may want to rehearse answers to potential questions from colleagues or strangers if you’re not comfortable explaining your condition.

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