Jul 25, 2017 Nominate a Crohn's and colitis champion for the 2017 Finkelstein Award Nominations for the 2017 Finkelstein Award are open now through July 28. Named after the Finkelstein family, co-founders of Crohn's and Colitis Canada, the award is presented to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. This award recognizes an individual whose contributions reflect excellence, either through a particular accomplishment or through continuous efforts over time. Examples might include: A health professional that has demonstrated outstanding dedication and caring for those affected by Crohn’s and colitis; An individual who has worked for some time to promote Crohn’s and Colitis Canada; A person who has provided leadership in educating people about Crohn’s and colitis; A researcher who has made an outstanding contribution to Crohn’s and colitis research; and/or A volunteer leader who has inspired others to work toward improving lives and finding cures for people with Crohn’s and colitis. A volunteer who has contributed time and energy to raise funds for medical research; To submit a nomination, download and follow the instructions in the Finkelstein Award Nomination Package.