Submit Your Application

The first step to becoming a Crohn’s and Colitis Canada volunteer is to submit an application form. There is a diverse range of volunteer opportunities including in-person and virtual roles across the organization. Discover more about our current volunteer postings.

Volunteer for Community Engagement or Fundraising Opportunities

If you are looking for opportunities in community engagement, or fundraising or are unsure what role you would like to take on, please complete our Volunteer Application Form and a staff partner will contact you to talk about your interests.

Volunteer Application Form

Volunteering for Programs

If you are interested in volunteering with Patient Programs including roles in Peer Support, Crohn’s and Colitis Connect, or Education initiatives, please complete this application form, and a staff partner will contact you.

Programs Volunteer Application Form

  • Canada has among the highest incidence rates of Crohn's and colitis in the world.
  • 1 in 140 Canadians lives with Crohn’s or colitis.
  • Families new to Canada are developing these diseases for the first time.
  • Incidence of Crohn’s in Canadian kids under 10 has doubled since 1995.
  • People are most commonly diagnosed before age 30.

Other Areas of Interest