Volunteer Team Excellence Nomination Form

Submitting a Nomination

If you encounter any difficulties with this application form, please contact volunteer...crohnsandcolitis...ca

Enter your first name
Enter your last name
Enter your mail address
( ) -
Enter your phone number
Your Role at Crohn's and Colitis Canada* :

List name of all contributing volunteers
Approximate length of time the team has been volunteering together
Highlight how the team's activities contributed to an increase in awareness, outreach, patient support, volunteer engagement and/or fundraising (Max 500 characters including spaces)
Describe how the team inspired others. (Max 500 characters including spaces)
Highlight how the team demonstrated excellence in collaboration. (Max 500 characters including spaces)
Describe how the impact of the team's accomplishments affected the local community and if benefits stretched beyond, to other communities nationally. (Max 500 characters including spaces)
Upload a .pdf or .doc file containing any additional information to support your nomination.

  • Canada has among the highest incidence rates of Crohn's and colitis in the world.
  • 1 in 140 Canadians lives with Crohn’s or colitis.
  • Families new to Canada are developing these diseases for the first time.
  • Incidence of Crohn’s in Canadian kids under 10 has doubled since 1995.
  • People are most commonly diagnosed before age 30.

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